120 Bay State Drive
Braintree, Massachusetts 02184

The March meeting of the
Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International
Features a testimony entitled:

To the Abyss and back
“From porn to Re-Born”

He stood at the edge of an ice encrusted roof peering into the pit that he made of his life. There was no way out.. He had lost everything he considered of value. Two days away from a final divorce hearing, he broke down and cried out to God.

Saying,” God. I messed up my life,
I am responsible for my actions,
I am sorry for the things I have done,
I don’ want to hurt or hurt anyone, anymore.
Please help me”

How did things get to this point?

Seduced by the lure of easy money from owning adult orientated businesses. The seduction and excitement of pornography and the financial gains from selling pornography blinded him to the fact that his life was being stolen and being destroyed.

God honored his plea for help.

Come hear the rest of this story

Added by The Power Station on March 2, 2011

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