18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

The underlying premise of Feng Shui, an age-old practice that embraces the idea of living in harmony and balance, is that everything in your environment, down to the smallest detail of furnishing and décor can either further your goals in life or work against you.

By understanding the subtle currents of energy that flow through your space, and through everything in the universe, you can arrange your living and working public spaces to help you reach your goals.
In this 2 hour course we will examine the arrangement of your home and office and identify how simple changes can can uplift your peace of mind and physical health enhance your relationships.

By applying a few easy principles of Feng Shui, it is possible to make your relationships healthier and to create living and working environments more attuned to the life force that surrounds each of us.

Cost $20.00
Includes Welcome Health & Wealth Tailsman ( $20.00 value)
Dr. Janet Woods has made a career out of blending ancient wisdom with modern style. She started studying Feng Shui in the early90's, before it became mainstream and fashionable. Now she shares little known Feng Shui secrets that work in positive and powerful ways!

Added by Drjanet Woods on May 23, 2012

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