30 Miller Business Park Dr.
Burgettstown, Pennsylvania 15021

Did you know that the arrangement of furniture, decor, and the very shape of your house affect your personal energy and help determine your life outcomes every moment of every day, even when youre not at home. Feng Shui is the ancient Asian art of placement used for centuries to enhance health, wealth, relationships, and luck or success by arranging living spaces to promote balanced and healthy flow of chi or Life Force in the home or workplace. Learn the basic tenets of traditional and contemporary Feng Shui including the layout of your homes energy grid (Ba-gua) and ways to jump-start all manner of abundance by reinforcing weak areas of your life through use of positioning, color, 5-element energies, and Feng Shui fixes. With Brad and Kate Silberberg.

Official Website: http://www.americantowns.com//events/feng-shui-basics

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 1, 2010