736 Orcutt Rd
San Luis Obispo, California

The Circle of Selfless Service is in need of volunteers to prepare and / or serve meals to the homeless at the Maxine Lewis Homeless Shelter in San Luis Obispo. This is truly a “feel-good” experience which greatly benefits the needy in our community. The next dinner is scheduled for Sat, October 31st. Volunteering is a wonderful way to be a part of your community and give back.

If you are volunteering for October 31, please indicate what you would prefer to do:
1. Serve + bring something that does not need to be cooked (milk, bread, bananas)
2. Bake meatloaf and deliver
3. Prepare mashed potatoes (from a mix) and deliver
4. Prepare gravy from a mix and deliver
5. Prepare/buy a dessert & deliver (this is optional... we’ll only do this if we get extra volunteers)
Please call to offer your services and / or for more information.
Thank you!
Susan Wood
Manager for the “Circle of Selfless Service” at the Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment

Official Website: http://www.spiritualcircle.org

Added by slojudes on October 19, 2009

Interested 1