645 Griswold
Detroit, Michigan 48226

Are you unemployed or underemployed? If you answered “yes” and would like to know how to change your child support with the Friend of the Court, contact Friends of Fathers to attend our upcoming workshop.

Official Website: http://www.friendsoffathers.org

Added by cass3jackson on May 13, 2009



Sorry men and women; "Friend of the court" has never been a friend to me. I never did find out who gave it
their title. Anyway. I agree to many man pay WAY too
much child support (unfortunatley I was not on the receiving end of that). I wish you all the luck in the world, I hate to say it but you are at the mercy of the magistrates mood of the day.
Now for my problem if anyone can direct me.My 19 yr old daughter had a son out of wedlock,actually the two
had even stoppped seeing each other when we got the news. He wasn't there for the prgnancy,went on like he could care less about my daughter but when the baby
arrived he was so happy. They are both unemployed so
they stayed with us.He was a great dad,I could go on,but I try not to be curel lol. Well things didn't work out and the father went to live w/ his parents.At first they shared the baby they would each have him 4 days so my daughter or I wanted to go to F.O.T.C. Well,the newness wore of the daddy dear. He wont even take Dylan for her to sign up of college. So I believe F.O.T.C is her only help. She by no means
wants to "drain" the father of her child,but she can't do it all alone. My husband and I help as we can
but I also have 2 other grandsons,I see and take care of quite often,I can't just stop.I am sorry for any man who is getting taken advantage of, it happens all to often, you deserve a life after divorce just as the reast of us Americans do. The best of luck to you; and on a shelfish note, can anyone direct me in
the direction to th F.O.T.C,just so he can at least watch the baby as she tries to better herslef(He too is unemployed and a huge fan of TV). I don't even know where to begin.Thebest of luck to all of you, I mean that!Forgive me for intruding on your site but I have not found one for women.


Sorry men and women; "Friend of the court" has never been a friend to me. I never did find out who gave it
their title. Anyway. I agree to many man pay WAY too
much child support (unfortunatley I was not on the receiving end of that). I wish you all the luck in the world, I hate to say it but you are at the mercy of the magistrates mood of the day.
Now for my problem if anyone can direct me.My 19 yr old daughter had a son out of wedlock,actually the two
had even stoppped seeing each other when we got the news. He wasn't there for the prgnancy,went on like he could care less about my daughter but when the baby
arrived he was so happy. They are both unemployed so
they stayed with us.He was a great dad,I could go on,but I try not to be curel lol. Well things didn't work out and the father went to live w/ his parents.At first they shared the baby they would each have him 4 days so my daughter or I wanted to go to F.O.T.C. Well,the newness wore of the daddy dear. He wont even take Dylan for her to sign up of college. So I believe F.O.T.C is her only help. She by no means
wants to "drain" the father of her child,but she can't do it all alone. My husband and I help as we can
but I also have 2 other grandsons,I see and take care of quite often,I can't just stop.I am sorry for any man who is getting taken advantage of, it happens all to often, you deserve a life after divorce just as the reast of us Americans do. The best of luck to you; and on a shelfish note, can anyone direct me in
the direction to th F.O.T.C,just so he can at least watch the baby as she tries to better herslef(He too is unemployed and a huge fan of TV). I don't even know where to begin.Thebest of luck to all of you, I mean that!Forgive me for intruding on your site but I have not found one for women.


Well the F.O.T.C sucks and its a waste of time well in Wayne county it is any how the father of my oldest son was ordered to pay only 43.50 a month and has been payng that 4 10 years and if i want more I have to pay 2 file a motion and its not gauranteed that it will get raised it may go down bcuz he has other kids now and the father of my last 2 was ordered 178.00 a month 13 was for my daughter and 165 for my son and he never pays it and the dont do nothing about it and he will file taxes once a year to bring it down a lil and apparently thats ok with them, he tells them he dont hv a job and i no he does and just found out he has opened a shop but bcuz its not in his name i cant do nothing about it o and get this lol I hv my kids and work 2 take care of them but im ordered 2 pay medical for them thru the court while their dad sits bk and lives it up WAYNE COUNTY F.O.T.C SUCKS!!!!!!!!