10745 Dickson Plaza
Los Angeles, California 90046

Tough facts in life are hard to face. The issue of overweight people in the United States alone is a staggering 62% for adults and 34% for children—tough fact right? If you are one of these people, I’m here to talk to you about the fat loss for idiot’s diet and analyze whether this, in fact, will work for you. The promise of losing nine pounds every eleven days seemed remarkable to me. My family struggles with being overweight—mostly the women in our family and women do tend to have more weight issues than men. From my great-grandmother to myself, I find at forty-nine years old that every day can be a struggle. I thought to myself does the fat loss for idiots diet work? It seems to be plastered on the Internet with all sorts of testimonials and promises, but testimonials can be written by anyone right?

This diet claims that by lowering my caloric intake, say to 2500 calories a day, that I still won’t end up losing weight because my metabolism will adjust to a 2500 calories a day intake and it will stabilize so I’ll never lose any more than a few initial pounds. Low carb diets are not recommended by the fat loss for idiot diet as well because these types of diets tend to leave you feeling drained of energy. Finally, buying and consuming as many low fat foods you can find at the grocery store will not make you lose weight. I decided I too would try this diet because as most overweight people, I had tried just about everything.

Right off I was impressed with the hormone issue and how they control the foods we eat, where they go and how they perform. That made a lot of sense to me since I am going through menopause and know how hormones can affect almost every part of my life, so why not my food, diet, and weight? This diet recommends changing how we eat each day, which makes sense to me. I have been plugging along eating oatmeal in the morning, maybe a banana for a snack, skipping lunch and a low-calorie TV dinner at night and forget about evening snacks—I skipped those or ate popcorn. All this regime did was make me moody; something my family constantly reminded me of. There are many things in life that if you change them, the elements of them change, so eating varied foods at the recommended times of day to confuse my metabolism, to me, was a great idea.

This diet offered terms I had never heard of before like calorie shifting, and an online diet generator that initially asked me about myself, my eating habits, what level my weight was and where I wanted to be. I did exactly as the diet suggested and circled the date on my calendar and then circled the eleventh day—my first goal date. Once I downloaded the diet plan, I was ferocious for information and I got a ton. I didn’t feel overwhelmed like some other fat loss for idiot diet scams; this seemed to offer simple and easy steps to follow along with recommended exercise.

Starting this diet was easy and remarkably inexpensive. Throughout my first eleven days, I changed how I ate and when I ate and surprisingly didn’t feel hungry or aching for foods I always wanted. I had set my scale by the calendar during my eleven days and along with my son proudly stood on the scale on day eleven. We smiled together at my loss of five pounds and while I did not lose nine, I felt well on my way to a diet that finally worked, was safe, and healthy. Does Fat Loss for Idiots diet work? To this reviewer, it does and at my son’s wedding next May, I hope to be as skinny as the bride.

Added by fastfatlossforidiots on December 24, 2008



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