1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

In this class we will take you on a guided tour to the farmers market across the street. We will instruct you on what to buy, how to pick it, and when it is in season. We will split up into several groups and pick out a variety of fresh produce to bring back to the class and create a variety of dishes. Be sure to bring extra shopping money so you may buy some of the freshest produce to take home!

We don't always know what we'll make because it's based on what's available, but expect at least four or five dishes including:
a seasonal risotto and
a seasonal fruit cobbler along with
an appetizer of fresh made guacamole and home fried tortilla chips
and much more!
We also pick some awesome fresh cheeses from the Houston Dairy Maids just down the street.

Official Website: http://welldonecc.com/classdetail.aspx?class_id=79

Added by Well Done on April 2, 2013

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