Cumberland at Dekalb
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Should you care about eating regionally grown foods?

Do you find the farmer's market experience overwhelming?

Ever wondered why you can't get items like coffee, bananas, and oranges at a farmer's market?

Curious about the terms local food, locavore, sustainable agriculture, organic, integrated pest management, foodie, food access, foodshed, food security, etc, and what it all means for you as a consumer?

Why does it seem like farmer's markets are more expensive than supermarkets?

How do you plan your weekly meals when you never know what you're going to get?

Join me on this guided tour as we walk through the Ft. Greene Greenmarket Farmer's Market. We'll check out what's in season and discuss farming practices and menu planning. We might even get to talk to a farmer or two.

If you're up for sticking around, we can purchase a few items for an improv lunch in the park. Bring your own plate, utensils, beverage container, and something to sit on.

Tour runs approximately an hour and 15 minutes

Investment: $11/adv; $15 day of
Rain date: Saturday, May 8th

Official Website:

Added by Melissa:Social Wellness Advocate on April 25, 2010