801 K St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20001

Going Native
Using Native Plants for Beauty and Biota
Lecture by Cheval Force Opp, Garden Tours

Did you know that planting native plants not only adds beauty to your garden but also supports our native birds, bugs, and animals? Using flowers, shrubs, and trees that also grow in the fields and forest of our region is a smart choice. Native plants can be beautiful and healthy without the extra water and fertilizer that non-native plants often need to survive. Want to see more wild butterflies, birds, and animals? Native plants are what they need to survive. Native plants invite the wild things into your yart to eat and feed their babies. Our region has a wide range of native plants to fit every type of garden with beauty in every season. Cheval Force Opp, owner of Garden Tours, will discuss why native plants make practical sense for every type of gardener and garden. She will present pictures and lists of her favorite native plants, and will explain the best place to use them in your garden, be it large or small, sunny or shady, wet or dry. Cheval Force Opp is a frequent speaker for garden clubs and Elderhostel tours and writes for Washington Gardener Magazine. (All Ages) [email protected] or 20.383.1828. FREE

Official Website: http://www.historydc.org

Added by Historical Society of Washington on May 26, 2009