Black Star Canyon Rd
Orange, California 92676

Follow a professional naturalist along a wide trail up a mysterious canyon. Named for coal mining operation, Black Star is full of surprises. Smell fragrant shrubs, listen for migratory birds, and look for other wildlife evidence. Appropriate for young children.
Who: All ages (Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.)
Where: Black Star Canyon, Black Star Canyon Rd., Silverado, CA 92676. Take Santiago Canyon Rd east from Jamboree, follow past Irvine Lake, turn left on Silverado Cyn Rd, turn left on Black Star Cyn Rd, follow all the way to white pipe gate and park.
Difficulty: Easy (1-2 miles round-trip, almost no elevation gain, smooth terrain)
Suggested Donation: $10 adult $5 child or bring a smile.
Wed Sep 15 4pm – 6pm Pacific Time
Black Star Canyon Rd, Orange, CA 92676

Official Website:

Added by Naturalist For You on September 12, 2010

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