Fair Park Blvd. (Behind the Harlingen Police Department)
Harlingen, Texas 78550

November 14 & 28, 2009 (10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
Does your family want to find an activity that everyone can enjoy together? If so, let the Harlingen Parks and Recreation Department bring in the fun with a two-day Family Outdoor Archery with Rudy Garza, Eagles Nest Archery. Mr. Garza will teach families the history of this ancient sport and most importantly, archery techniques. Safety will
also be covered in great detail during the event. Location: Oil Mill (behind the Harlingen
Police Department). Eagles Nest Archery will provide all of the archery gear and supplies that will be required. During the event, each archer will be able to demonstrate his or her shooting skill by applying managing stability, and balance while shooting in a fun, hands-on manner. Lawn chairs and beach towels are welcome. Food and cold beverages will be
sold. (No outside food or beverages please). Free and open to the public. For information, call the Harlingen Parks and Recreation Department at (956) 216-5950.

Official Website: http://www.myharlingen.us

Added by Harlingen Parks and Recreation D on September 23, 2009