109 Greenwich Street, between Carlisle and Rector
New York, New York 10006

It’s Friday night, you made it through the week, the kids are hungry, and you’re too tired to cook. Bring the whole family to Charlotte’s Place (107 Greenwich Street in Lower Manhattan) at 6 PM on September 21st for free Family Friday Pizza & Movie Night. In Babe, Farmer Hoggett wins a piglet at a fair and saves him from slaughter after he befriends the other animals on the farm. The piglet soon names himself Babe, and forms a great friendship with Fly, a sheepdog. Wanting to be just like Fly, Babe puts his chops to test by herding sheep with the help of Farmer Hoggett. The community is pleasantly surprised when the two compete in a sheep herding competition.

Charlotte’s Place is a free space in Lower Manhattan. Open to everyone, it is supported and operated by Trinity Wall Street, an Episcopal parish in the city of New York.

For upcoming events, visit http://www.trinitywallstreet.org/calendar, or check the Charlotte’s Place Facebook and Twitter pages.

Added by Alyssa Markowitz on August 23, 2012

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