1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Bands: 男孩爬绳子 (Boys Climbing Ropes) /羽果(The Flying Fruit) /摇滚卡拉 (Open Stage)

If you like The Travis, please check “The Flying Fruit” out. Indie Rock is all around us.
Born two years ago from a medley of rum and cigarette induced visions in one of the last remaining authentic taverns in Ottawa, Canada. Boys Climbing Ropes is a testament to the delight and folly of international displacement. The conjuring of a wily vigor that understands no ends stumbles along a thin line separating magic from down-right drunkenness. Their psych-folk punk infusion sounds like a distorted depressed escapee flying along a highway at dusk in a big rusted white pickup truck with a flat rear tire. Arriving in China with little more than dreams of living in happy places.

独立摇滚的影子永远存在于你我的周围,他并非仅仅淡化于遥远英伦的某座城市,也蛰伏于上海这座城市。羽果来自南昌当下生活在上海,他们的音乐纯净而美妙,毋庸置疑地拥有征服众人的力量。很多人把他们和知名乐队Travis相比,这个来自苏格兰的乐队,也是羽果心目中的偶像。当然,英伦摇滚远渡重洋俘获了人们的心,近在上海的羽果更让人们感觉亲切。站到离舞台最近的地方,Indie Kids的热情激荡在周遭的空气里,精彩的音符从空中坠落,没有人想错过这般漂亮歌喉的笼罩。

Boys Climbing Ropes乐队诞生于两年前加拿大渥太华的一家小酒馆。3名成员在组建乐队之前均有丰富的乐队经历,从高中的管弦乐团到在大城市演出的摇滚乐队。3人来自加拿大三个不同的地方,目前均在上海。带着音乐和梦想来到中国,他们对东方乐土充满着希望。

Male 88RMB, Female 88RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 3:30am

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on August 27, 2007

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