1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Bands: 香蕉猴子(Banana Monkey) / 摇滚卡拉 (Open Stage)

Banana Monkey has created a danceable punk sound that no pogoers can resist. Sounds like: Any young garage band in the suburb of London during the ‘70s, with a gaggle of flushed cheek girls and a mountain of cheap beer.

出于对上世纪五十年代美国Rockability和Blues等根源摇滚,甚至是有如IggyPop等朋克先驱的喜爱,受到TheStrokes和Jet乐队乐风之影响,上海车库摇滚乐队香蕉猴子就这么诞生了。他们脍炙人口的歌曲,如《Looking For A Job》、《Drunk Daddy》、《I Wanna Take You Home》、《BabyInRed》、《You're SoPure》等等,每次现场演出都会吸纳众多新鲜粉丝的加入,Pogo更是不可缺少的一项演出程序。原始、简单、直接,香蕉猴子的音乐中所透露出来的讯息是赤裸裸的,猴子们的每次有按出都有如孙悟空大闹天宫,不掀翻房顶怎么可以?

Male 88RMB, Female 88RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 3:30am

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on October 8, 2007

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