2010 Flora St
Dallas, Texas 75201

The exhibition Fabled Journeys in Asian Art will expand to include East Asia. The East Asian complement draws on works of art from the Crow Collection with distinctive literary and cultural terrain. The first section of the East Asian portion of the exhibition presents selected paintings, carved jades, and porcelain sculpture inspired by Taoism. The second part of the exhibition is journeys figured in images of women. The third section of the exhibition features large ceramic horses and camels made for journeys into the afterlife in burial tombs. The last section of the exhibition is a variety of objects about the transmission of Buddhism to Japan, the transportation and exploitation of ivory for finely carved objects, and the search in Japanese ports by Western traders for porcelains that delivered the qualities of form, color, and translucency prized in Asian ceramics, ivories, and jades.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 1, 2011