303 Pearl Street NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504

Join Grand Valley's Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies for a presentation by Vietnam War veteran Jim Hodges.
Jim Hodges, formerly a sergeant infantry and light weapons specialist in the U.S. Army, kept his Vietnam War story to himself for almost 40 years. To a Hauenstein Center audience in 2006, Jim first revealed publicly the details of his unit's secret missions in the mountains of Laos -- a bit of history that is officially denied to this day. Jim's is a harrowing story of a lone survivor behind enemy lines, and a life-long confrontation with the specter of war. In his third Grand Rapids appearance, Jim will tell his stories about combat, homecoming, and healing.

Today, Jim is a public speaker, author, teacher, entrepreneur, and inventor. His public service career has included law enforcement and professional security, but his passion for decades has been his work as a cowboy near Houston, Texas.

The Hauenstein Center is hosting this event in conjunction with WGVU's LZ Michigan Event. Held on Saturday, July 3 at West Michigan Whitecap's stadium, this event will serve as a "welcome home" to the dozens of Vietnam veterans in the Grand Rapids community. Join the Grand Valley and the Hauenstein Center as we commemorate the sacrifice of these men and women this Fourth of July holiday.

Added by hauensteincenter on May 21, 2010

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