250 E Franklin St
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

Nearly 65 million years ago, the "KT event" changed the landscape of Earth forever. Many researchers believe that an asteroid or a comet crashed into Earth, filling the skies around the globe with dust. Darkness reigned. Temperatures dropped. Acid rain fell. And sea levels rose, inundating vast areas of land with water. The "KT event" spanned nearly 10,000 years, triggering the extinctions of thousands of species, (including dinosaurs and plant life). Could it happen again? 'Extinction!' illustrates several ways that it can. Through graphic representations, timelines and interviews with leading scientists, 'Extinction! ' explores the KT event and the factors that cause extinctions even today. Narrated by Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning actor William Shatner, 'Extinction! effectively weaves entertainment into its educational message, featuring a reenactment of the KT event that engages the senses on many levels.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 8, 2008