1349 Mission St. (bet. 9th & 10th)
San Francisco, California 94103

an experience/participation performance

a rare San Francisco appearance of Frank Moore

Internationally-known shaman performance artist, Frank Moore, will guide a journey to Lila, an invisible hidden secret state of erotic friction of arousing human intimacy rubbing between bodies without limits or glamour, an altered state of being actively lustfully abandoned willing to play and trust, prickly freedom going all the way into both fusion and infusion of arousing magical pleasure erotic friction of comfort.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
sliding scale of $5 to $25

Center for Sex and Culture
1349 Mission St. , between 9th and 10th
San Francisco, CA 94103
[email protected]

For more information
Call: 510-526-7858
email: [email protected]

Download poster here:

”His stamina is unrelenting, and the music goes on and on. I am repelled but stuck: I can’t turn away.”
San Francisco Weekly, 2001

"Best of the Bay Area!"
S.F Bay Guardian

“....San Francisco’s legendary Frank Moore...(is among)...the best and most influential artists in the discipline.”
L.A. Weekly 2003

"One of the few people practicing performance art that counts."
Karen Finley, performance artist

“Frank Moore is one of my performance teachers.”
Annie Sprinkle, performance artist

"...one of the U.S.'s most controversial performance artists,...."
P-Form Magazine

"...He's wonderful and hilarious and knows exactly what it's all about and has earned my undying respect. What he's doing is impossible, and he knows it. That's good art...."
L.A. Weekly

Resisting "the easy and superficial descriptions..., Moore's work challenges the consensus view more strongly in ways less acceptable than...angry tirades and bitter attacks on consumer culture."
Chicago New City

"If performance art has a radical edge, it has to be Frank Moore."
Cleveland Edition

Official Website: http://www.eroplay.com/events.html

Added by Corey Nicholl on September 21, 2011

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