127 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Exit 179 is like most other bands in that they are an eclectic collection of artists drawn together in their love of playing music. That is where the similarity ends. Each member of Exit 179 brings his own particular musical interest to the fold in the hope that theirs might be the defining influence for this band. This edgy approach to being a musical family of adopted orphans is certainly not new, but in the case of Exit 179 they each bring their specific influences into every song through their very tightly choreographed & interesting arrangements & the outcome is audibly refreshing.

Lead singer Chris Dilbone never strays too far from his spiritual roots when pushing any lyrics through his wonderfully soulful & easy voice. Combine that audio image with the sometime manic guitar strains of lead guitarist Seth Lambert and you have the making of a very entertaining & firm musical 'meeting of the minds'.

The newest member to join the ranks, drummer Andrew Lewallen keeps the heartbeat clearly at the forefront blending his own interests and contrasts to the established band like he has been with them since their inception. Chris Lambert's traditionally styled & generous bass playing continues to drive the rhythm to a familiar head-nodding place which easily confirms Andrew's liberal beat.

Whether you follow this band regularly, or you accidentally stumble into one of their shows you will be entertained by their sensible but individually distinctive approach to the many cover songs in the band's diverse inventory, their uniquely polished & edgy original music, and the overall refreshing absence of any ego driven agenda. They are an extremely fun band to listen to and musically symbolize the epitome of sophisticated innocence, which most bands unfortunately lose early in their collective association. Exit 179 obviously has earned its faithful following and continues to enlist new fans wherever & whenever they play.

Added by jacquelinenemeth on March 29, 2010

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