2301 Hardies Ln
Santa Rosa, California 95403

Charles Schulz endured twelve presidential campaigns during his 50 years of creating Peanuts. Although he was opposed to injecting politics into the strip in an overt manner, there were times when he subtly or slyly commented on the process. The presidential election years of 1960, 1964, 1968, and 1990 all found the Peanuts Gang contemplating a run for office or actively involved in an election of one kind or another in the strip. In fact, although Schulz did not predict the winner of the 1960 election, he did forecast the redecorating of the White House by the first lady! This exhibition takes a light-hearted look at the political process in 30 Peanuts strips and politically-themed artifacts. Date : July 16 through December 1, 2008. Museum Hours : Fall / Winter / Spring Labor Day through Memorial Day Weekends 10 am to 5 pm. Weekends 10 am to 5 pm. Admission : Adults — $8 Youths & Seniors — $5 YOUTH ~ CHILDREN 4—18 & COLLEGE STUDENTS WITH VALID ID SENIOR ~ 62+ Location : Upstairs Changing Gallery.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 29, 2008