404 3rd Ave
San Diego, California 92101

The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is pleased to present a new exhibit, The Elite and Popular Culture of Old China, featuring a collection of carved seals, calligraphy, jade, and Chinese opera artifacts from the Qing Dynasty (1638-1911 CE) and early 20th century. The exhibit opening will be held in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Extension building at 328 J Street on Saturday, July 31st from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. A PowerPoint presentation will be given at 2:00 PM by our Education Coordinator, Alex Stewart. Refreshments will be served at the reception held in the Chinese garden at 404 Third Avenue. For more information, please visit our website at www.sdchm.org or call 619-338-9888.

Official Website: http://www.sdchm.org

Added by SDCHM on July 7, 2010

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