4013 N Brown Ave
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

#evfn is a weekly social gathering organized primarily over Twitter. It stands for East Valley Friday Nights and yes, you are invited.

This week we're headed a bit further north, trying to accommodate as many "easties" as we possibly can. It will be at The Grapevine in Scottsdale. Where our previous spots have focused on beer, this place seems to also cater to the mixed-drink crowd.

Don't forget: our primary objective it to hang out with cool and unusual people for a couple of hours. There is *no* agenda. Show up. Say hi. Oh, and tell us your Twitter name.

Official Website: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23evfn

Added by evo_terra on December 15, 2008



I thought EVFN stood for Eggs Viewing Fjords Nightly. Easy mistake, I guess.


Mrs. PhoenixREGuy is contemplating an appearance...


Wow. @MrsPhoenixREGuy Can't wait to meet her! :-)
I look forward to Jeff's weekly interpretation of EVFN. Man, my workweek is boring. :-)


We have plans this Friday with family so we have to sit this one out. We'll miss you guys!
Dan and Cj


Sadly, Mrs@PhoenixREGuy will not be able to attend EVFN. She's got a nasty cold. But she'll be at the Suns tweet-up in January!