490 S 1st St
San Jose, California 95113

By Michael Carleton, John Alvarez and Jim Fitzgerald Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and you can find him and just about every other Christmas character in pop culture history in this fast-moving, irreverent comedy, in which three actors decide that rather than perform A Christmas Carol once again, they'll retell Every Christmas Story Ever Told in 90 minutes. Using costumes, special effects and, of course, their wits, they take holiday cheer to the extreme. Date : November 19 - December 14, 2008 Time : Wednesday and Thursday shows at 7:30 pm, Friday and Saturdayshows at 8 pm and Sunday Matinees at 2 pm. Tickets : Plays Musical Wednesday Evenings $28 $33 Thursday Evenings $30 $35 Friday Evenings $35 $40 Saturday Evenings $40 $45 Sunday Matinees $30 $35

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 2, 2008