Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2, Dublin

What? International Biodiversity Summer School 2010
When? 4 - 7 June 2010 with range of separate events to join locally in that time..
Where? Ireland: Dublin (4uth and 5th June) and county Wexford late 5th, 6th and 7th June
Who? Scientists, journalists and musicians from across Europe to mix with local Irish participants from all walks
of life. Select parts are suitable for families with small children, students and farmers and fishermen.
 To learn more about our nature, protected sites, map reading, recording, submitting
records to our national biological data centre, law and law enforcement
 In International exchange of information among scientists and local interests, land owners
and students on old and novel ways of monitoring. See and share best practice of habitat
management. Help deal with challenges of protection and restoration.
 To represent Nature in music and art, share folk memory, traditions and views of Nature
of your country or area.
You can join all or just a selection of events and field trips which are spread over 4 days in Dublin and County
Wexford, from urban parks and ancient buildings to sea shores and rivers.

Official Website: http://www.coastwatch.org/

Added by slackr on June 2, 2010

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