Welcome to the fourth annual international Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference! This year we will be gathering in Copenhagen, Denmark from Oct. 15 – 18, 2008 for a rich program of talks, demos, conversation, debate and fun! EPIC is the premier international forum bringing together artists, computer scientists, designers, social scientists, marketers, academics and advertisers to discuss recent developments and future advances around ethnographic praxis. The theme of EPIC2008 is Being Seen: Paradoxes and Practices of (In)Visibility.
We are delighted to be hosting the conference in Europe this year. Denmark is an especially vibrant site in which to continue EPIC conversations. Often known as the country with “design as its middle name”, Denmark together with the broader European context also brings a strong tradition in thoughtful and critical intellectual engagement with issues of practical and social import. The conference will take place at Copenhagen University, established in 1471 and located in the heart of the old city.
Please join us at EPIC2008 as we explore the theme of (In)Visibility. The call for papers can be found here. Please also review additional information on the program and venue, and check back regularly as the information is updated.
We welcome submissions that report on innovations in ethnographic praxis, including but not limited to the following topics:
Theoretical approaches to understanding and advancing ethnographic praxis for corporate settings
Ethnical and social issues and implications of and for ethnographic praxis
New methodologies in ethnographic praxis
Considerations of the value and impact of applications of ethnographic techniques and perspectives
New interfaces and modes of interaction between and across disciplinary and business boundaries
Tools and techniques for designing, implementing & deploying application of ethnography in business contexts
Ways of assessing the impact of ethnography in business and design environments
Papers will be selected based on a double-blind peer review process and will be published in the Conference Proceedings by American Anthropological Association through their partner publishing partner Wiley-Blackwell. The proceedings will be made available electronically through AnthroSource (www.anthrosource.net).
Posters and workshop contributions will be peer reviewed and accepted as short papers to be published in the Proceedings of EPIC2008. Workshop descriptions will also be posted on-line on the conference website.
For questions, please email [email protected]
WHEN: October 15 - 18, 2008
WHERE: Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Official Website: http://www.epic2008.com/
Added by louise.klinker on April 19, 2008