9570 Gateway North
El Paso, Texas

“Parallel Lives,” an award-winning comedy written by Mo Gafney and Kathy Najimsky, will be presented by the El Paso Community College Theater Ensemble, now in its 6th year, at 7:30 p.m., January 28 and 29 and February 4 and 5 at the college’s Transmountain Forum Theater.
The entertaining comedy features a montage of scenes that whisks the audience through the outrageous universe of Kathy and Mo, where two actresses portray characters struggling through the common rituals of modern life. With boundless humor, “Parallel Lives” re-examines the ongoing quest to find parity and love in a contest handicapped by capricious gods, or in this case, goddesses.
The play is directed by Lisa McNiel, an El Paso Community College speech professor. General admission is $10. Students, military and senior citizens pay $5. For additional information, please call 831-3272 or 831-5056.

Added by jimheiney on January 7, 2011

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