919 Hunter
El Paso, Texas 79915

Registration for El Paso Community College Children’s College ends September 9th. Classes begin Saturday, September 12. Most classes are held at the Valle Verde campus, 919 Hunter with some classes also available at the Tranmountain campus, 9570 Gateway North. New this semester is “Video Game Maker” for ages 14 – 16.
The Children’s College is designed to offer a wide spectrum of courses to encourage students to develop and apply critical and creative thinking skills to areas of study in which they have an interest. The objective of this program is to give children the opportunity to take classes in a college environment and to increase their awareness of the importance of a College Education.
Children’s College offers courses for children between the ages of 5-17 years of age to help improve their academic skills and explore a personal interest. The program provides children an introduction to the course that they desire. The Children’s College program offers annual events, including Spring Arts Festival and Sport Camps.
The Children’s College is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning at an early age and to offer opportunities for children to become acquainted with other students who have similar interests. The children will leave with a learning experience and will continue to return.
For more information contact Melissa Sanchez at 915-831-2089 or visit the following link. http://www.epcc.edu/workforce/ContinuingEducation/ChildrensCollege/tabid/7098/language/en-US/Default.aspx

Official Website: http://www.epcc.edu/workforce/ContinuingEducation/ChildrensCollege/tabid/7098/language/en-US/Default.aspx

Added by jimheiney on August 25, 2009

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