Women who understand the secrets of the entrepreneurial mindset are proving to be the most successful in leading innovative ventures and advancing their careers. Join top professors, authors, experts and business leaders at the Entrepreneurial Skills Conference in Silicon Valley, February 8 - 9, 2007.
Whether you're a corporate manager who wants to move up the career ladder or a new or aspiring business owner, your success requires bold decisions, creative ideas and a knack for anticipating what's around the corner. Dedicated to unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit in all of us, this unique event features how-to sessions, including: the secrets of leading a successful internal corporate venture; 10 key tips for founding and funding a new business; how to attract and retain the most profitable customers; understanding and managing a P&L; effective email organization; strategies for successful negotiations and much, much more. Plus, learn strategic thinking through an interactive business simulation challenge and experience exhibits on innovative business products and services.
Our experts will unveil the strategies and skills you need to take your career or business to the next level.
Sponsored by Microsoft, Professional BusinessWomen of California, the SBA and New Dimension Enterprises.
The conference is designed and produced by Invent Your Future co-founders, Denise Brosseau and Ruth Stergiou. Denise is the original creator of Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and the Springboard Conference and Ruth has produced for 17 years the annual conferences of the Professional BusinsessWomen of California and the California Governor's Conference for Women. Together they are now blazing a path to the first truly Interactive Woman's Conference in North America.
Discover the secrets to reinventing your career, enhancing your entrepreneurial mindset and leading a thriving business venture.
Sign up today! Price for 2-day event with early bird discount: $497.
Official Website: http://www.inventyourfuture.com/register.html
Added by FullCalendar on December 21, 2006