66 Porland Place
London, England W1B 1AD

Fees from £79 + vat! Virtual worlds, brand extension, AI, web 2.0, games and serious games seminars, workshops and conferences over 2 days. Second Life, Forterra's Olive - a vrtual worlds platform shoot-out, China market. All bookings now online (before 12 noon 25th June only) or on the door by cheque only.
Keynote speakers Peter Molyneux, Lionhead Studios, Christain Renaud, Cisco Systems, Jenn McNamara, BreakAway Games, Prof Bob Stone, Uni Birmingham. Case studies, networking, refreshments, AI tutorials, SL and web 2.0 workshops.

Full list here: Christian Renaud, Cisco Systems Inc. - Nader Nanjiani, Cisco Systems Inc. -Thomas Bidaux, NCSoft - Peter Molyneux, Lionhead - Professor Bob Stone, Birmingham University - Jennifer McNamara, BreakAway Ltd - John Burwell, Forettra - Kevin Williams, KWP Consulting - Gavin Dudeney, The Consultants-E - Kevin Corti, PIXELearning - Thijs Bosma - Zlong Games, China - Rohit Talwar, Fast Future Ltd - Ron Edwards, MD, Ambient Performance - Mal Baines, formerly of Xerox Corp. - David Wortley, Director Serious Games Institute - Claus Nehmzow, PA Consulting - Ali Kord, Animazoo - Mishka Klotz, OM Interactive - David Burden, Daden - Marco Veldman, Live Presence - Alex Champandard, Games AI veteran and formerly Rockstar

Official Website: http://www.enterprising-games.com

Added by martinep on June 1, 2007



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