320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

What is energetic healing?
Join Julian Lynn, Wednesday, June 23, 6pm at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace and find out what constitutes energy work and what it can and cannot do for you.
Whether is it laying-on-of-hands or long distance healing, it is important to know exactly what you can expect from your healer and when to consult a medical practitioner, psychologist or spiritual advisor. Join Julian Lynn as she sifts through the variety of therapies in the marketplace and gives straightforward guidance to help you make the best decision in your self-care.
Julian Lynn is a certified energetic practitioner and an experienced registered yoga teacher.
New Frontiers “We’re all about your quality of life!”

Added by priyadrews on May 25, 2010

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