500 East Pike Street
Seattle, Washington 98122

Tue, April 6, 7:15-8:15pm (8 week series)

So many people sit at a desk and find by the end of the day they are feeling tightness and discomfort in their neck and shoulders. But it is not inevitable that we experience this pain. How we relate to and hold our bodies has a major impact on how our bodies function.

This 8 week series is designed to teach students how to eliminate annoying neck and shoulder pain utilizing the amazing Feldenkrais Method. This unique body awareness modality helps individuals gain greater awareness of their bodies and to find original ways of moving in their life. We work on discovering new neural pathways in the brain by doing slow gentle movements. With extensive awareness we can retrain the bodies habituated processes that are causing the pain. Much of our daily movement is happening outside of our conscious awareness. By bringing into awareness the way we move we give the brain the opportunity to find a different way of functioning in one's life. Standing, sitting, walking, running are all part of how we function. These movements are all learned patterns. We can learn new patterns that allow the body to move in a more efficient way that leads to a decrease in pain and discomfort.

Each class is very gentle and slow without any need for prior experience.

The goals of the class are:
* Develop increased body awareness of all parts of our body
* Integrate new movement patterns that eliminate pain
* Learn to function in more efficient ways
* Increase balance and coordination
* Sitting with ease and comfort

I hope you will join us!

Official Website: http://www.transformotion.biz/

Added by FullCalendar on March 23, 2010

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