622 SE Grand Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

As part of our one year celebration, we want to offer the past year's worth of wisdom that we've built up to help you launch your blog. We're looking for all of those folks that have wanted their own hosted blog. End Bloglessness will be a 4 hour, 4 session workshop.

Official Website: http://portland.beerandblog.com/

Added by metafluence on January 7, 2009



What blogging platform will you use--WordPress, I assume? Is it cool if people attend who already have a blog but want to figure out how to migrate to this platform?


I think there should be people on hand who know how to migrate blogs on other platforms over to WordPress (I'm checking my schedule to see if I can be there for part & I'm one resource here...)


I really look forward to this as I have been moving away from Drupal to Wordpress and I think I convinced my wife to come too. Beer & Blog rocks!


if anyone there knows how to EASILY add a second blog to one of the pages of my wordpress site find me while we're there. I'll be the one who looks like me...