Pacific First Center Building 851 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204

That's right, time to End Bloglessness, AGAIN! Whoo-Hoo! Gather up your friends, family, or any one else you can think of who has been looking to start a blog and come join us!


Each session will be 1 hour: 15 minute presentation and 45 minutes of assisted help. During assisted help, attendees can raise their hands to get help from one of our assistants. Assistants are folks from the Portland tech scene that have done this process before who can help you with your questions.


* Session 1 - Sign up for your blog 12:00-1:00pm;
* Session 2 - Dial in the settings for your blog 1:00-2:00pm;
* Session 3 - Intro to posting on your blog 2:00-3:00pm;
* Session 4 - How to promote your blog 3:00-4:00pm;
* 4:00-5:00pm will be an open help time to ask help with anything you'd like.

What to expect

We are focusing on WordPress blogs for this workshop. We chose WordPress so that if your blog is going well enough and you need to graduate to a hosted blog, you're data and experience will be compatible.
By the time you leave the workshop, you'll have a blog that is ready to go and some direction on how to connect with other local bloggers. We are expecting people from all skill levels, including the technically challenged. Everyone will be treated with respect and will be encouraged.
We'll be hosting the event at Webtrends. There are some computers available to use, but we highly recommend bringing your laptop if you have one as there likely won't be enough computers for everyone.
Help us get the word out!

Most of the people we're hoping to reach are either to far outside of our social circles or are offline completely. We could use your help in letting people know about this free workshop to get a blog up and running. We don't care if your motivation to blog is personal, professional, or political; we'll help you get one up and running.

* Tweet the link to this page
* Email this page to a friend
* RSVP on Upcoming and Calagator
* Tell someone in real life using your voice. Crazy, huh?

Why is this free?

We're hoping to make new friends and be good citizens. We don't want to be an insular group, so we want to enable others to join. And, because we're Portlanders inspired by other Portlanders to DIY and that Yes We Can. :)
Help out

If you have experience with installing WordPress, we'd love to have you help answer people's questions. Please leave us a comment below if you're interested in helping!

Added by Christine Kistner on October 1, 2009



my 3rd one... think this time, Amber Case can sleep nights knowing that Justin haz her back on my learning to blog #lorell


looking for someone who can take my 2 parakeets