6450 Carlsbad Boulevard
Carlsbad, California 92011

Election Integrity Workshop Offered In North County
“A Non-Partisan Educational Workshop To Empower Citizen
Participation In The Election Process”

On Friday, May 11, 2012, 10 a.m. – 12:00 noon, an Election Integrity Project (EIP) Workshop will take place at the City of Carlsbad Dove Library Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Admission is free. Attendees will be trained to be poll observers/workers as well as learn other ways to help reduce voter fraud in the upcoming elections, June 5 and November 6.
According to EIP Workshop Presenter Ruth Weiss, “with the support and assistance of EIP, attendees will discover the importance of citizen involvement and responsibility to actively participate in our Republic, as well as how to fulfill their civic privilege and to take part in overseeing every aspect of the election process in San Diego County.” Whether you have very little or a great deal of volunteer time at your disposal, there is a place for every concerned citizen to be involved.
Founded in November 2010, the Election Integrity Project is a non-partisan organization of volunteers seeking to fulfill our responsibility to actively participate in our Republic and ensure the integrity of the process that protects our freedoms and our way of life. EIP seeks to protect government of, by, and for the people by maintaining an active role in the part of government that empowers us with our most basic right – the right to choose our representatives by vote. The goal of our volunteers is to become active participants in the entire election process, from overseeing the integrity of the voter rolls to working to ensure that each citizen’s vote is counted fairly. For more program information, contact Ms Weiss at [email protected].
A local unit of the National Federation of Republican Women, the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated is organized to help preserve our fundamental American values. Membership benefits include: voter education on legislative issues; advocacy and legislative lobbying; county-wide voter registration; get-out-the-vote efforts for local, state, and national elections; Republican candidate selection and support; community involvement; financial outreach to local Young Republicans, College Republicans, as well as supporting our military and other community needs. More information is available at www.carlsbadrepublicans.com

Added by Leita McCormick 2699 on April 20, 2012


Leita McCormick 2699

Please note this is a free event for citizens 18 years and older.