6039 Rio Grande Blvd
Orlando, Florida 32809

Looking for a part- or full-time job to earn money while you're in school? Timeshare Hot List, a leader in the timeshare field, is seeking students for IMMEDIATE openings for Telemarketing Sales Reps. You DO NOT need to have prior timeshare experience, but previous customer service and sales experience is plus!! Job requirements include:

• Delivering prepared sales talks, reading scripts about their marketing services in order t...o assist potential customers to list their timeshare for rent or sale.
• Must have at least a minimum of 1 year telephone Sales Experience
• Computer at every workstation & Automatic Phone Dialer
• Base Salary PLUS COMMISSION, daily & weekly spiffs, monthly & quarterly bonuses
• Timeshare Hotlist-provided training (in training you will receive a telemarketing license)

There will be a table (located outside of the Career Services office, Rm 135) from noon to 3 p.m., so please stop by and speak to the recruiters about their open positions. Please bring a resume and dress to impress. No prior sign-up appointment is necessary.

Please see Turea Coleman in The Career Services Department (Rm#135) for any questions.

Looking for a multimedia, fashion, game or interior design school in Orlando, Florida? Students at IADT Orlando, an art and design college in Florida, can choose from various design degree programs to help them prepare for new career opportunities.

Official Website: http://www.iadt.edu/

Added by IADT Orlando on February 4, 2011

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