28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016

Speaker: Phillip Moffitt

Despite our best-laid plans, life can often be difficult, disappointing, and stressful. Consequently, when things don't go right, we are often left in a state of emotional chaos, dealing with feelings like anger, anxiety, frustration, and doubt, which can cloud our perspective and negatively affect the way we live our lives. In this lecture, Phillip Moffitt shows us that we need not be at the mercy of our emotions. By cultivating a responsive mind rather than a reactive one, we can achieve a state of emotional clarity that allows us to live skillfully and act with wisdom even in the face of obstacles or unhappiness. Moffitt speaks from a perspective that is grounded in both Western psychology and Buddhist philosophy. He leads us on a path that takes us from being caught in old, self-defeating habits of mind to a place of clarity where we can act from the wisdom of our intentions, allowing us to move through life's challenges with a calm, clear mind and a peaceful, loving heart.

Former Esquire magazine CEO and editor-in-chief, Phillip Moffitt left his successful publishing career at the age of forty to embark on a path that led him to become a Buddhist meditation teacher and found the Life Balance Institute. He is the author of Emotional Chaos to Clarity: How to Live More Skillfully, Make Better Decisions, and Find Purpose in Life.

Thursday, June 14, 2012, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Tickets: Jung Foundation members $20, General Public $25
Web site: http://www.cgjungny.org/lectures_07.html
Register by phone with Visa or MasterCard: 212-697-6430

Official Website: http://www.cgjungny.org/lectures_07.html

Added by cgjungny on May 7, 2012

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