131 E 10th St
New York, New York 10003

9/11 Info Resource Series

"Emergency Forum on H.R.1955
Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"

St. Marks Church, 2nd Ave. & 10th Street (East Village)
Sunday, Dec. 2nd @ 6:30 pm


6 to Astor Pl

N, R to 8th At/NYU

N, R, Q, W, L to 14th St/Union Sq

Six weeks after 9/11 Congress passed the PATRIOT Act in such haste that hardly any legislators even read it. In the same manner the "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act" (H.R.1955) was passed at high speed in the House of Representatives on Oct. 23 by a vote of 404-6. Now it's being rammed through the Senate. The bill is called S.1959.

Please come to this city-wide emergency meeting to strategize on how to oppose this latest move in a chain of freedom-threatening legislative actions designed to suppress dissent.

If we don't act now, we will wind up with the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) designating a “center of excellence,” a university-based research center to study how to prevent radicalization and homegrown terrorism. It's now targeting radical Muslims, but is so vague that it can be used against the growing body of Americans who are voicing their opposition to the war-mongering and fascistic developments in our country which resembles pre-war Germany as Naomi Wolf has explained in her latest book "The End of America".

Imagine that. Another commission. With the construction of detention camps, surveillance cameras throughout the city, exploitation of fear and invoking of 9/11, the Democrats moving in lock-step with the neocons, the Military Commissions Act, the eradication of habeas corpus, presidential signing statements which gives Bush immunity from his actions, and legislation which cancels out cherished constitutional freedoms, we must see the writing on the wall.

This may be our only chance to turn back the tide on this draconian move which threatens free speech of all who dissent against the war machine. Spread the word fast!

Pick up your phone today and contact your US Senator's office to instruct them to vote "NO" on S.1959.

New Yorkers can call:
Sen. Chuck Schumer - Phone: (212) 486-4430
Sen. Hillary Clinton - Phone: (212) 688-6262

Click here for your Senators contact info: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

Full PDF text if the bill: http://tinyurl.com/3a3y2z

We should ALL call the office of Sen. Harry Reid because he's the one who decides if and when this bill comes to the Senate floor. His office number is (202) 224-3542.

This is moving at high speed, folks. DO NOT DELAY!

Truth will prevail (but it's up to us!)

Sponsored by NY 911 Truth
Hotline: (212) 714-7147

Support the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative - www.nyc911initiative.org.
"There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible.
But in the end they always fall. Think of it. Always." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Official Website: http://www.ny911truth.org

Added by famw on November 28, 2007