1285 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, New York 14222

Elvis Costello has followed his musical curiosity in a career spanning more than 28 years. He is perhaps best known for his performances with The Attractions, The Imposters and for concert appearances with pianist Steve Nieve. His prolific output includes such hits as 'Allison,' 'Radio Radio,' 'Watching the Detectives,' 'Everyday I Write the Book' and 'Veronica.' Scottish singer/songwriter Paolo Nutini hit the ground running with his debut album 'These Streets,' which reached the UK Top 10 in 2006. Blessed with a soulful, passionate voice, Nutini has absorbed the inspirations of artists from both sides of the Atlantic and channeled it into something original, captivating, and dynamic. A former collaborator of Peaches, and current member of Broken Social Scene, Canada's Leslie Feist has a seductive voice, sharp songwriting and critical raves to boot. Her most recent effort is 'The Reminder.'

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 25, 2007

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