155 E Ontario
Chicago, Illinois 60611

January 8 is Elvis Presley's birthday. Singer Frank Lamphere has always been a huge Elvis fan and will perform lots of Presley's songs with his trio.

Step back into an early sixties (pre-Beatles) atmosphere every Friday night as "Mr. Rat Pack" Frank Lamphere sings retro-pop & jazz, backed by his accomplished Rat Pack Jazz Trio. Viand is located in the Courtyard by Marriott (a block east of Michigan Avenue on Ontario)

A regular part of Lamphere's sets are tributes to Dean Martin (vocally, one of the best around), Tony Bennett and of course Frank Sinatra. Known to break into a classic Italian melody (Al Di La, Volare, Ciao Ciao Bambina) with little if any accent, Frank can also be persuaded to perform an Elvis or Tom Jones number.

He is accompanied by pianist Larry Harris and drummer Mike "the Doctor" Jeffers. There's not unlimited space but dancing is encouraged. For reservations phone 312-255-8505

Added by Chicagovocalist1 on December 12, 2009

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