529 W 20th St
New York, New York 10011

The Elizabeth Harris Gallery will present 'some vases,' a show of recent ceramic works by Elisa D'Arrigo. This is the artist's eighth exhibition at the gallery. In her new show, Elisa D'Arrigo returns to working with ceramics, a medium she explored some 30 years ago. With these recent pieces she also pursues a project she's had in mind since childhood: to freely create a variety of vases conjured up at the moment rather than premeditated, with their configurations dictating what may be placed inside them--in the artist's words, "function both following and trying to catch up with form." This improvisational approach to ceramics extends and expands into another medium the process D'Arrigo devised for her often intensely hued, hand- sewn constructions - a body of work she has developed over the past 20 years.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 9, 2012