270 N Grove Ave
Elgin, Illinois 60120

Marko Spiegel, president of Conservation Technology International, Inc., with Nicor and ComEd representatives, will discuss how to reduce home energy costs by 40 percent. Complimentary compact fluorescent lamps will be given out to the audience.

Location: Community Rooms

Sponsored in collaboration with the Elgin Community Network with support of the Grand Victoria Foundation and the City of Elgin. Refreshments will be served. Please register.

Official Website: http://gailbweb.gailborden.info/evanced/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=1935&rts=&disptype=&ret=eventcalendar.asp&pointer=&returnToSearch=&SignupType=&num=0&ad=&dt=mo&mo=9/1/2008&df=calendar&EventType=ALL&Lib=&AgeGroup=ALL&LangType=0&WindowMode=&noheader=&lad=

Added by Billie Moffett on August 25, 2008