10915 Hardin Valley Rd
Knoxville, Tennessee 37933

Egyptian Nights 2009 bellydance spectacular, Saturday June 6! Experience the sights and sounds of Pharaoh's palace in Ancient Egypt through the club dances of modern-day Egypt in this thrilling theatrical event, perfect for all ages! Featuring world-renowned performers from Miami, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and Knoxville, including Knoxville’s own Alexia and the Alexandria Dancers! Saturday June 6, 8:00 pm at Pellissippi State Performing Arts Theatre. Adults $20, students $12, Kids under 10 free! Buy tickets online at www.alexia-dance.com, or on the day of the show.

Official Website: http://www.alexia-dance.com

Added by adannaya2 on May 30, 2009

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