Abu Baker Al Siddique Road, Adjacent to Hamarain Shopping Ctr.
Dubai, Dubai

The program will cover the specific problems that many people have in assuming a managerial role, using real examples that are relevant to the participants. It will explain and document the practices of the effective manager & leader. It will show participants how to manage & lead a group of people for maximum effectiveness, how to delegate intelligently and how to motivate staff to peak performance.

After attending participants will be better able to:
* Nurture a “management” attitude
* Interact with peers, superiors and external stakeholders
* Manage self & time
* Manage their work,
* Manage subordinate
* Solve problems and make decisions

* The concept of effective management : the role of a manager, management processes, keys to effective management
* Managing self & time : self analysis, personal development, transition into a managerial position, managing time, priorities, pressures and stress.
* Effective planning & organizing : intro to strategic planning, operational planning, task planning, organizing people & resources
* Selecting the right people : analyzing application letters & CV-s, selection interview techniques
* Creating, motivating and leading teams towards optimal performance : leadership skills, team analysis, creating a solid team, team communication, motivating people, handling conflicts.
* Managing people performance: performance planning, performance monitoring & control, performance appraisals
* Problem solving & decision making : problem definition, problem labeling, root cause analysis, pinpointing alternative solutions, choosing the right solution

A proper mix of short lectures, Q&A, sharing, discussions, individual & group exercises and case studies

This program is for those who are about to be promoted and those who have just been promoted into managerial positions.

Publimaks International
Phone : +62 21 7456755
Fax : +62 21 7452049

Registration closing date : 5 (five) weeks prior to the commencement date of the program

Official Website: http://www.primeresourcesgroup.com/training/courses-in-dubai/effective-management-for-new-managers/

Added by MarketingPublimaksInternational on March 14, 2011