Jl. Ir. H Juanda
Bandung, West Java

Master the art of presenting and public speaking with poise, power and persuasion.

Today, presentations and public speaking are very much a part of every executive’s responsibilities. Effective executive speaking is what distinguishes the successful professional from everyone else. Public speaking skills are most critical to your success—and to your individual and corporate image. Learn to use powerful tools and techniques to turn every presentation or public speaking opportunity into a rewarding experience.
How You Will Benefit

* Speak and think with greater clarity and purpose, stressing key ideas
* Face an audience or camera with confidence and control, and make the most of your own natural speaking style
* Shape and organize your public speaking and presentations to persuade listeners and get the response and results you want
* Conquer fear of public speaking and negative stress
* Make your performance skills, your sense of humor and your own personality work for you
* Give impromptu and prepared speeches to the class and receive personalized feedback

What You Will Cover

Fundamentals of Executive Speaking Skills

* Identify the elements of a good presentation
* Create an individualized speaking skills profile
* Set personal goals for the development of public speaking skills


* The importance of research and organization in preparing an effective presentation
* Illustrate how to plan and prepare strong beginnings and endings in your presentations and public speaking
* Select and design effective visuals

Delivery Skills

* The effective use of voice, action, image and language in public speaking
* Apply strategies for positively addressing speech anxiety
* Practice articulation methods

Essentials for Winning Presentations and Public Speaking

* Choose appropriate strategies for reaching reluctant, uncommitted and inactive audiences
* Design successful informative, persuasive, entertaining motivational and special event presentations
* Respond in a focused and controlled fashion to questions and answer
* Impromptu speech making

Who Should Attend

This seminar is recommended for every executive with some prior public speaking experience who must speak in front of groups, make presentations, sell ideas to others or face cameras and microphones.


You'll be recorded in action as you address your colleagues. You will see yourself improve, relax and refine your public speaking techniques with each performance.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Speak and Think with Greater Clarity and Purpose, Stressing Key Ideas
* Face an Audience or Camera with Confidence and Control, and Make the Most of Your Own Natural Speaking Style
* Shape and Organize Your Speech or Presentation to Persuade Listeners and Get the Response and Results You Want
* Conquer Fear and Negative Stress
* Make Your Performance Skills, Your Sense of Humor, and Your Own Personality Work for You
* Give Impromptu and Prepared Speeches before the Class and Receive Personalized Feedback

Fundamentals of Executive Speaking Skills

* State the Professional Benefits Associated with Effective Executive Speaking Skills
* Identify the Elements of a Good Presentation
* Create an Individualized Speaking Skills Profile
* Set Personal Goals for the Development of Speaking Skills


* Demonstrate the Importance of Performing an Audience Analysis
* Demonstrate the Importance of Research and Organization in Preparing an Effective Presentation
* Illustrate How to Plan and Prepare Strong Beginnings and Endings


* Recognize and Apply the Various Types of Organizational Patterns Used in Oral Presentations
* Establish and Apply Measurable Objectives to the Speechmaking Event
* Apply the "Tell ’Em" Structure for Developing Balanced Presentations
* Identify Appropriate Uses of Media That Will Add Attention to and Complement a Presentational Message


* Apply Dynamic Use of Voice and Action in Order to Add Interest and Clarity to a Presentation
* Adapt Language Use to the Audience and Occasion in Ways That Will Build Credibility, Attention, and Retention of Information
* Avoid Common Misuses of Media through Applying Effective Strategies for Utilizing Media
* Apply Proven Methods for Turning Speech Anxiety into a Positive Force in a Presentation

Presenting and Processing Your Presentation

* Choose Appropriate Strategies for Reaching Reluctant, Uncommitted and Inactive Audiences
* Design Successful Informative, Persuasive, Entertaining, and Special-Event Presentations
* Integrate Media into Delivery to Complement and Add Attention to Their Message
* Respond in a Focused and Controlled Fashion During Question/Answer Periods
* Demonstrate Skills in Impromptu Speechmaking

Planning for Continued Growth and Development

* Prepare a Concrete Self-Development Action Plan to Strengthen, Improve, or Modify Your Executive Presentation Skills

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/240-110306

Added by training.focus on March 26, 2009

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