5745 North M-66
East Jordan, Michigan 49727

Did you know that the sap of the Sugar Maple is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, and iron? How about that squirrels will “tap” the trees to drink the sweet sap? Can you name what plants are often found growing under the Maple tree? Learn interesting and fun facts about the famed sugar Maple in its native habitat.

We’ll take a one-mile interpretive snowshoe hike out to the Wagbo sugar bush so come dressed to be outside! (Bring your own snowshoes, or rent some for $5) Everyone will get a chance to “tap a tree” and take home a “spile” for collecting sap from a Maple at home. Afterwards a light meal including baked beans, cornbread, and Maple cookies will be served.

Concurrent children’s programming includes Maple-themed games and activities and tasting Maple syrup. We’ll stay outside as much as possible.

Please register by Wednesday, March 11th by calling 231-536-0333 or email [email protected].

Official Website: http://WagboPeaceCenter.blogspot.com

Added by bloodrootfibers on February 25, 2009

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