Join Echo Theatre as it continues its 10th Anniversary Celebration Sept. 14-Oct. 6, 2007 with THE LADIES OF THE CAMELLIAS by Lillian Groag, a hilarious love letter to the theater centering on an imagined meeting between famous divas Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse. An insightful examination of art, politics, and what it means to “act” is cleverly woven into the farcical collision of towering egos, monstrous talents, and fanatical political ideals. Rapier wits (as well as actual rapiers!) are employed as these marvelous creatures of the theatre confront true anarchy and an even more terrifying specter: the impending arrival of the“director!” The Ladies of the Camellias won eight Dramalogue Critics Awards.
The cast features some of Dallas’s premiere comedic talents, as well as exciting newcomers: Brandi Andrade, Cindy Beall, Bob Hess, Rob McCollum, Joel McDonald, Mark Oristano, Danielle Pickard, and Ian Sinclair. And Echo has assembled another exemplary design team, with Clair DeVries designing the set, Russell Dyer designing lights, and Bruce Coleman fashioning the costumes. Directed by Pam Myers-Morgan, Echo founding and producing partner.
The Ladies of the Camellias will preview Thursday, Sept. 13 at 8 p.m. at the Bath House Cultural Center, 521 E. Lawther Dr. (off Northcliff) at White Rock Lake. Opening night, Friday, Sept. 14 at 8 p.m., will feature cake, champagne and music after the show for special price of $25. A talk back is scheduled after the performance on Friday, Sept. 21.
Echo Theatre presents Sunset on the Lago, sponsored by Cafe Lago on Sunday, Sept. 30. Event will begin with drinks with the director and designers. Doors open at 4 p.m. The Ladies of the Camellas will be performed at 5 p.m. At approximately 7:30 p.m. dinner picnic style will be served outside with the cast and 20 special audience members who have reserved their places in advance through Echo's website. $30 will be charged with $15 going to Cafe Lago and $10 going to Echo.
Performances continue Thursdays-Saturdays at 8 p.m. thru Oct. 6. All Thursdays are pay what you can. Fridays are $15.00. Saturdays are $20. One Thursday matinee is scheduled for Oct. 4 at noon and is $10. Two Sunday shows are scheduled Sept. 23 and Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. and are $10. For reservations, call 214-904-0500, email [email protected] or visit the website at
Echo Theatre was founded in the fall of 1997 by Suzy Blaylock, Pam Myers-Morgan and Linda Marie Ford. It is the theatre’s mission to unearth the power of the female theatrical voice by presenting a wide array of works written by women for the stage. For years, theatre seasons at all levels of production have been programmed primarily with works by male playwrights, often resulting in an absence of the female voice. Integrating exciting design concepts and exceptional acting with material that probes gender identity and social structures, Echo Theatre exists to shift that balance.
Current producing partners Brandi Andrade, Terri Ferguson, Pam Myers-Morgan, and Lisa Taylor work together to bring the female voice to urgent, exciting, and challenging life through main stage productions and staged readings of plays by women, classic to contemporary.
Official Website:
Added by sarahjanesemrad on September 20, 2007