322 45th St.
Oakland, California

[just a few spots left, join us for this fun excursion, cosponsored by East Bay Cohousing --R]

Here is a mind and soul enriching day of exploring innovative, affordable and sustainable urban cohousing models.

See Berkeley Cohousing's turn-of-the-century-farmhouse, a bay-friendly drought-toler ant garden, and the central green created by moving parking to the periphery. Learn how thrice-weekly common meals help keep people connected. Witness how a falling fence sup ports new neighbors' presence and participation. Marvel at the mutual support and ongoing education that helps this community minimize waste.

Then discover how other cohousing communities in the vicinity were able to retrofit existing infill sites and create the opportunity for community, leveraging the system's condo structure and conventional mortgages. See the solar-powered common house that paid for itself, urban chickens, bees, café connections, naysaying neighbors converted to new al lies, and Permaculture applications galore. Is community really "The Secret Ingredient in Sustainability?" You be the judge.

It's a delightful tour of Oakland/Berkeley/Emeryville cohousing neighborhoods that will invigorate you with some easy walking between sites, along with a boost from local public transit to reach one or two others.

This tasty tour is hosted by cohousing experts and visionaries: Raines Cohen who's been helping people create and thrive in community for a quarter century and Betsy Morris, PhD (City and Regional Planning), who is rich with experience in group development and participatory process. They reside at Berkeley Cohousing and have miles-long lists of ac complishments behind them.

A tasty lunch and public transportation costs are included.

Official Website: http://www.daily-acts.org/tours.html#_11

Added by raines on February 15, 2008