2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

The purpose of the Earth Medicine Class Series is to do deep personal healing work in combination with learning spiritual philosophies that you can apply to everyday living. This training will also help you build a strong personal foundation to any healing practice you wish to be in. This class will primarily be about your personal healing journey and your personal work. Each class we will explore a different Element (Earth, Air, Fire or Water), their directions and the gifts that each direction brings to us. In doing so we will learn, in nature’s way, how we can work in harmony with each element and how each direction applies to our daily lives. A native of Denver , Colorado , Mavis is a Curandera/ Espiritualista and has studied Integrative Medicine for the past 26 years. She is certified in many modalities including: Reiki, Medical Qi Gong, Herbalism, Aroma therapy, Crystology, Sound and Color therapy, Divination, and others. With over 15 years of professional experience, Mavis will give you insights on how you can take the necessary steps to heal your mind, body and soul. Mavis' extensive training adds depth to her remarkable intuitive abilities. She has studied with the healers and Elders in Mexico and Guatemala , Christian mysticism in Scotland , is a certified Master Herbalist and certified life coach. Mavis believes that finding the true essence of one's self, combined with compassion and love, leads to the ability to create miracles. Pre-register and pay for the series in advance and receive a $10 discount!

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on September 13, 2010