25th St. Between Lexington & Third Aves.
New York, New York 10010

Artistic Director Javier Dzul’s diverse company hails from many different parts of the world and has performed with a vast array of companies including the Martha Graham Company, Cirque du Soleil, Ballet Nacional de Mexico, Eliot Feld Ballet, Korean National Ballet Company, Buglisi Dance Theater and Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet. With this eclectic and talented group, Javier Dzul has created a movement vocabulary that embodies his own unique style, and pushes the boundaries of the human body and imagination.

Danzon, which refers to a type of music and stylized dance that originated in Mexico’s bawdy nightclub salons in the 1930s and ‘40s, premiered in New York City in 2010, with two weekend sell-out performances in NYC. The choreography is a mix of Mayan beliefs and Spanish Catholicism that tells the story of a mythical angel who chooses to become mortal in order to experience human love. Lured from the heavens, the angel falls to Earth in a tragic tale of mystic romanticism.

Official Website: http://www.dzuldance.com

Added by Dzul Dance on December 21, 2010

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