1136 19th Street NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

The next Drupal Meetup taking place in Washington, DC, will be on Wednesday, July 18th, at the Science Club (1136 19th Street, NW). We’ll get the meeting started around 6:30 pm with a round of Yuenglings, and you can bet that with weather like this, we’ll be picking up the first round.

At 7:00 pm we’ll get down to business with five-minute egg timer talks, and this time I’ll remember to bring the egg timer. We’ll do between six to eight talks, keeping this part of the meetup under 40 minutes. Post any ideas of what you’d like to talk about or learn more about here – it’s first come first serve.

One point of business: Since the meetups have grown so much, we’d like to get them going on a regular schedule. From now on there will be a Drupal Meetup the third Wednesday of each month, and it will always be on the second floor of the Science Club. We hope this makes it easier for everyone to plan on being there.


Official Website: http://groups.drupal.org/node/5063